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Full Moon Circle

New Moon 2/15/18 – Full Moon March 1st

The last Blood Super Full Moon, (January 31st)  as you know, was very powerful, and astrologically speaking, it is tied in energy and effect to both the New Moon partial Solar Eclipse Feb of. 15 and the next Full Moon…

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New Moon in Libra October 19th, 2017

Greetings, we are holding a special Free New Moon conference on the Thursday the 19th - It is time to plant new seeds, seeds of harmony, balance and inner peace. Inner peace leads to world peace. Think about it for…

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September Stars, by Sonja Elison

September Stars by Sonja Elison Aug 29, 2017 Now that the long awaited Eclipse is over, there’s still more to say about it! I believe everyone I’ve talked to has felt some effect of the Eclipse, so now what? There…

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June/July Astrology, by Sonja Elison

As of June 10th we have come out of the Jupiter Retrograde period, of reflecting on, reviewing, and revising our life goals and desires.  Its amazing how difficult it can be to figure out what you want, isn’t it?  You’ve…

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May Astrology Report, by Sonja Elison

May Astrological Energies by:  Sonja Elison      May should be an extraordinary month.  The Full Moon of May 10th is highlighted by some lovely trines between Jupiter and Mars, a Jupiter/Venus connections, and a mystic rectangle through which the energy…

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Venus Exalted

As part of the extraordinary celestial influences we are experiencing this month, I just noticed that during this week and next, April 9 2017 through April 23, Venus will be retrograde, stationary and then start to move direct on April…

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