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WisdomWord is offering a teleconference series of Empowerment Teachings to nurture, nourish and support you on your personal journey to enlightenment. The NEW series begins June 9, 2024 and runs through July 28, 2024: Understanding and Deepening The Connection To Your Chakras. The series runs for 8 consecutive Sundays.

The series runs for 8 consecutive Sundays introducing you to the individual chakras and how to work with them, balance them, and use them to support and benefit your daily life. More information coming soon!

 Grounded peaceful individuals are beacons of light in their homes, workplaces, communities and our World. During the series, Melissa will provide guidance, share exercises, and teach tried-and-true ways for you to open to and trust your inner guidance to rout our old habits and beliefs that no longer serve . You will take a deep dive inward and examine the places within that are out of balance, we will use breath & mindfulness to bring us back to balance and practice techniques that you can rely on and use anytime you are feeling deeply stressed.

Join Melissa for weekly live teleconference classes to maintain and strengthen your practice with the loving awareness that you are in training to be the best and highest version of yourself. A recording of each class will be provided in case you miss the live class.

The Empowerment Teachings provide information from Spirit on the ongoing Ascension process accelerating spiritual growth individually and collectively. Each call in the series is a building block that creates a center within yourself for daily empowerment. The hour teaching will include a teaching on the rapidly occurring energetic shifts, breathing techniques, and the energy of the week available for support. The energy built each week helps to create a spiritual community that supports you on your personal journey and reminds you that you are not alone. We encourage you to ask questions and comment on WisdomWord’s Facebook page here.

Our world is changing, the veils are thinning, and light penetrates and merges with the material 3rd dimensional world. The bright light illuminates the shadows and they rise up to be faced. Fearing the shadow begets more shadow–it is only with increased Love that we can transform the fear.  Compassion, gratitude, kindness and forgiveness are all part of increasing the waves of love in our world. During these 8 weeks, we will come together to increase love in our lives and peace in our world. We will examine the mantra practices, and meditation practices  to deepen our connection to our divine compassionate loving Feminine nature. Each Sunday you will explore ways to develop your own daily practices and rituals to open your Divine Feminine nurturing nature more fully.

Human consciousness is changing, and you are a part of this change; your conscious work on this path now helps to accelerate your growth and the growth of all beings on the planet. At the same time, you are human experiencing an everyday journey with responsibilities, growth and all the minutia life brings to the table. Striking a balance between these two parts of self will cause discomfort at times; spiritual growth and practice to support your Spiritual Growth is a key element in balancing this every day journey and the only guarantee we have that tomorrow will be better for us and for the world.

A perceptual shift can change the way we actually feel.  Old thought forms and belief systems are in the death process. Connecting to the compassionate feminine heart within brings profound change to our awareness.

During these 8 weeks we will look at the parts of ourselves and others that need love and connection to our inner voice. We will use meditation, journaling, forgiveness and gratitude practices to create more love for self and others, and expand the circles of love in our worlds.

When you dedicate the time and self-discipline to change your internal vibrations and strengthen your connection to your self and others, you will have a positive effect on the world around you & you will gain protection from negative forces that deplete and drain your energy, foster loneliness and depression.

This series of Empowerment Teachings includes 8 one-hour live calls every Sunday starting June 9, 2024 and ending with class on July 28, 2024. The time of the live call will be 7:30 to 8:30 am Pacific (10:30 to 11:30 am Eastern). You will receive a call-in number that allows you to join the live call each of those eight Sundays.

If you are unable to listen to the live call, you will receive a number and pin code that allows you to listen to a recording of each new call, at any time, for one week. A downloadable mp3 file of the call will be e-mailed to you after the call.

You are welcome to join the live call, listen to the recording, or download and listen to the file that you will be sent. You may keep these teachings to go back to whenever you need to review the class.

NOTE: Eligible for Master’s Class Alumni discount

Click here to sign up for the Empowerment Teachings series.

“She is more than a guide, she is my soul sister greatest champion and inspiration for living consciously and fully alive My life changed forever when Melissa walked through the door and opened the windows to my soul.  Not by throwing them open for me but by taking me in a journey inside of my soul and connecting me to my divine self.  She laid a path which became my daily practice of expanding consciousness so I could truly love and live my calling and purpose.”

~Michelle, Life Architect & CEO Wellness Coach, California

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