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Full Moon Circle

New Moon 2/15/18 – Full Moon March 1st

The last Blood Super Full Moon, (January 31st)  as you know, was very powerful, and astrologically speaking, it is tied in energy and effect to both the New Moon partial Solar Eclipse Feb of. 15 and the next Full Moon of March 1, 2018.  Since they all have similar messages, I thought I would write about the combined messages that I see in these Full/New Moon charts.

First of all, all of these Moons are very much involved with feminine energy.  What I see in the energetic relationships in the charts is a change towards respecting the equality and therefore by implication, the power of women, or of the feminine.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse of Feb 15, 2018 falls on the 27th degree of Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, and makes a strong sextile to Uranus itself in Aries.  I see this as an indicator of new understanding and Enlightenment with regard to how we are to act in the world.  As we’ve seen over the last few years, Uranus in Aries is about standing up for Truth on a mass, but individual level.  We all stand up as individuals, but when we come together we change the energy of the whole of humanity.

The Solar Eclipse is also conjunct the asteroid Juno, which stands for the Wife/Spouse, but more specifically, the emotional and psychological impulse to strive for union with another.  It is the “joining with another” part of the feminine energy.  Given its conjunction with the Sun/Moon and sextile to Uranus, to me, this indicates a possibility for a new era of joining with others emotionally and I would say also, spiritually.

Both Neptune and Venus are in Pisces, which represents the epitome of the ideal of Love.  Both these planets indicate that the ideal of selfless, compassionate and divine love can be experienced now.

As this is another of the lunar events which acts as a rainbow bridge or pathway to higher consciousness, there is great opportunity for such experience of divine love during this lunar period.

I imagine that the 22nd could be a very lovely day, when transiting Venus is exactly in conjunction with Neptune.  Let us hope that on a national scale, maybe the country takes a step toward recognition that women as well as men must be respected as individuals.  Failing that, we should be able to achieve it on an individual level!

There is more to this Eclipse—-as if that were not enough!  On the mental level, we will have the opportunity to understand the healing power of love, and to cleanse our “mental, rational” Self of criticism and worry and achieve a new level of physical/spiritual/mental health.

As Saturn is in exact sextile to Venus, we have an opportunity to learn about treating those with who we are in relationship with respect, fidelity and wisdom.  On a national scale, we seem to be learning that if we want structures in society which are stable and dependable, then respect for one another is a prerequisite.  On the individual level, as we see so many join together in new relationships, this is a welcome augur for stability, fidelity, and love in the future.

Since Jupiter is in square to this message, we should remind ourselves that when the opportunity presents, we need to work to deserve the fruits of that offering.  We can’t be lazy and expect the rewards without the effort.  With Mars in square to Neptune, we are reminded that deceit, and bad behavior of various sorts will definitely lead to unhappy outcomes.

Reading this message in the Eclipse is really quite startling.  There is both hope for great joy and a warning of rather frightening consequences.  If you remember your Greek Mythology, Neptune was never one of the gods who could easily be dismissed.  You really don’t want Neptune mad at you!

The Full Moon of March 1, takes this message a step further.  By then, The Sun, Neptune, Mercury and Venus will all be in conjunction and highlighted in the energy of the Full Moon.  The other strong aspect is the trine of all these planets to Jupiter in Scorpio.  All of this energy is emotional, and there is likely to be quite a bit of emotion at this time.

The bridge that is in the chart represents an opportunity to achieve a truly important rise in level of consciousness, as it is a call to understand and live in the truth of Divine Love and Compassion.  The understanding and illumination promised is quite lovely.  The warning of Mars is also there, however.

Licentious, self-serving and self-gratifying behavior, excess, especially toward women and children, could result in rather nasty consequences.  In this chart, the warning seems to be about epidemics or illness, especially afflicting children.

Again, on an individual level, for those with planets at or around 11’ of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini, you are most likely to feel this energy.  Focusing on love, compassion and spirituality will help us to avoid the “dis-ease” that is possible.  While irritation and anger is a possible reaction, the better reaction is to fill your Mind with the compassion of your heart.

Sonja Elison

Melissa Halsey

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