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April Thoughts

I invite you to join me in meditation on Monday April 8th during the total solar eclipse. I know many of you are traveling to points along its path to witness this amazing celestial event. This total eclipse is happening on the new moon in Aries and the astrology is especially powerful, stirring a new beginning and prompting us to start fresh.

From Café Astrology, “This Solar Eclipse can highlight and challenge our issues surrounding independence and personal courage. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine our confidence or autonomy. Circumstances nudge or encourage us to see where we haven’t been true to our authentic selves. Ultimately, we better position ourselves to understand that changes or endings are necessary for our own growth, and that we can handle these things. It’s a powerful time to re-evaluate our relationship with ourselves. The New Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury, and it’s hard to see our path, but our discomfort with the past can be very real now, motivating new beginnings. As well, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is coming into alignment with Saturn, suggesting the determination to overcome obstacles.”

I will be meditating from Alaska where I will be on retreat with my daughter. My meditation will focus on Sri Yantra (the image above) and I will be meditating on Monday morning at 8am AKDT (9am PDT, noon EDT) for approximately a half hour. Please join me in whatever time zone you are in.

The Sri Yantra symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine divine energies. The triangles form 43 smaller triangles in concentric levels, mirroring the cosmos. In the center there is a power point (the dot or bindu) which represents the cosmic center, encompassed by the triangles, the concentric circles and the lotus patterns denoting creation and life force. Glance at the central point during meditation.

While I am on retreat we will not have live chakra attunements. We will have a live chakra attunement on Wednesday April 3rd and then be on break until Monday April 15th when we will resume the live calls on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. In the off time you may call in to listen to the recording of our Monday Mantra Chakra Call from April 1, 2024 using this number and code:

Call: 667-770-1559

Then enter code: 532085

Upcoming events include an in-person workshop in North Carolina in May, Integrating Higher Frequency Energies Into Your Life & Your World. I am excited to be creating, and co-creating with all of you, a live circle space on the East Coast. More information about the workshop is here.

Important Upcoming Dates:

Monday April 8th: Join me in meditation during the total solar eclipse at 8am AKDT (9am PDT, noon EDT)

Tuesday April 23rd: April Full Moon Live Channeling Circle

May 17th & 18th: In-person workshop in NC, Integrating Higher Frequency Energies Into Your Life & Your World – info & registration here

Starting again on April 15th, Monday, Wednesday & Saturday mornings: Free Live Chakra Attunements continue in 2024, email us for the call-in information.

Requesting A Bit Of Your Time:

I invite you to share your review on my new book on Amazon here as books do better with reviews and we would love to get this inspirational book in as many hands as possible to help those along their spiritual journey. For all those who post a review, including those who have already reviewed the book, you will be entered into a contest to win a free personal channeling session with me! The first drawing for the free channeling will be after we receive 25 reviews! If you have not already, please sign up for our mailing list to receive more information (sign up is at the very bottom of this page).

A note about reviews: If you received the book as a gift and did not purchase it through Amazon, you can still leave a review as long as you state that you received it as a gift. Please wait until you have received your copy of the book before writing a review! We understand that Amazon will not publish reviews if they can tell you are writing the review before you received the book, or if you say you are a friend. Thank you for your support! If your review name is unclear that it is you, please email us so we know who you are for the drawing for the free channeling session!


~Melissa Halsey







Melissa Halsey

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