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May 2019 Full Moon Astrology -Sonja Elison

With May’s Full Moon at 27 Scorpio, we are in for another crescendo of passionate feelings, explorations and events.  For those of you who are still reeling from the recent Mercury retrograde which went into Pisces (March), this Full Moon could be a resolution, or further digging up of karma.  The Scorpio energy will bring out passionate emotions, and possibly some reactions from down deep, which you may not be aware that you’ve been repressing.  The good news is that there is a lot of energy for resolving emotional scars, and karma, and the pathways are quite clear.  There are likely to be insights into pains, scars and desires, which you may not be fully conscious of.  Scorpio energy is generally a good time for some psychological therapy.  Scorpio issues include jealousy, revenge, power, control; deep passions which rule us
The Moon is also forming a trine to Chiron, which is just entering Aries, coming to its most powerful point soon after the actual time of the Full Moon.  The Moon could be reflecting problems with your Will and motivation, or lack of it.  This connection highlights the emotional nature of the wounds we suffer, the wounds of mothering or lack thereof, and the emotional needs of the inner child.  If your Inner child is not whole, you may lack the confidence to assert your will, and continually feel downtrodden.  At the opposite end of the spectrum, you could compensate, by never feeling fully visible unless you impose your will on others to an absurd degree.  We will be drawn into the shadows of our Selves, and will be asked to look at our own willingness to see our Selves as we really are.
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