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A Last Quarter Moon of Perceptual Shifts and Transformation


Sunday’s Last Quarter Moon, taking place late Saturday evening on the West Coast and early Sunday morning for the East Coast and Europe, represents a rather intense configuration with an emphasis on transformational Pluto, in the darkness and obscurity of a reflective period of deep perceptual changes. The Mercury Retrograde time, an especially potent one in this instance, coupled with the natural mode of this late lunar phase, indicates that new attitudes and understandings are more likely than not. We are indeed living in times of major structural changes, in ourselves individually, and in the society itself. This is true for the entire decade of the teens, perhaps particularly so for this pivotal year of 2018. We as a culture are in the midst of a societal crisis of increasing magnitude; more so perhaps than for any recent years since the volatile and life-changing 1960s when Uranus and Pluto were also in significant connection, as they are now. Then it was their conjunction in Virgo; now it is the opening square from that seed time, in Aries and Capricorn. This quarter moon lunation, with the Sun in Aries and the Moon close to Pluto’s position in Capricorn, highlights the fading Uranus-Pluto square that remains active throughout the decade, until 2020. The Sun’s position also emphasizes the new planet, Eris, Feminine Warrior for deep soul intention, in her forming square to Pluto which becomes exact also in 2020, near the end of that climactic year. We thus find ourselves collectively giving loads of thought to the looming societal transformation, the beginnings of which we are currently living through…” by Henry Stimson, Astrologer.

I want to remind everyone that Jupiter is also in retrograde motion in Scorpio, which will get us in touch with our inner Child.  Memories of childhood hurts and crises are likely to arise, in very emotional and deep ways.  The advantage to Jupiter in retrograde, is that it helps us to learn new attitudes and understandings of the events which shaped us in our youth.  Be careful of jealousy and feelings of spitefulness.  Use the Jupiter energy to learn how to handle your emotions now.

The Aries energy is also about new beginnings, so embrace that inner child, and go outside and play!  Focus on healing and the joy of life.

As Melissa channeled on the 31st of March 2018, this intensity is not going to blow over soon.  The next Full Moon (spoiler alert) is also going to be a doozy, so be ready to listen to your inner Self throughout this time, and spend the time you need to center yourself.  Sonja Elison, Astrologer

Melissa Halsey

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