September: Polarity Shifts and New Beginnings
For those of you who joined the full moon call in August you heard the message from Quan Yin & the Masters that we are in a gateway/portal from September to the end of the year, and during this time…
For those of you who joined the full moon call in August you heard the message from Quan Yin & the Masters that we are in a gateway/portal from September to the end of the year, and during this time…
August came in before we even realized it! The powerful Lion’s Gate is in August (more on that below) and I received guidance from Archangel Michael that the time & space we are in is a perfect time to cut…
July Greetings – this promises to be a HOT month where tempers and temperatures can flare. The anecdote for anger is love and acceptance: WisdomWord is gifting a chakra visualization exercise as an Rx prescription to heal! We have a…
Welcome to the month of June - the days are getting longer and the temperatures are heating up! We have several powerful events coming up this month including summer solstice full moon! On Sunday June 9th we will start a…
As I sat down to write the May blog, a couple of songs kept going through my head: April Showers Bring May Flowers, and the Merry, Merry Month of May. I have been walking a lot since I came back…
I invite you to join me in meditation on Monday April 8th during the total solar eclipse. I know many of you are traveling to points along its path to witness this amazing celestial event. This total eclipse is happening…
Greetings! We are springing forward with the time change and spring flowers and the new moon in Pieces today (March 10th). The first two months of 2024 have been active and filled with new energy, for many of us it…
We are well into the New Year and time seems to be flying by. The outer world is busy, we are constantly barraged with so much content-less information and trivia in the news and on social media. Spirit reminds us…
Happy New Year! We at WisdomWord appreciate all your support and the input of your beautiful energy in 2023. As our gift to you, we would like to share with you a recording of the powerful January 1st, 2024 Mantra…
Sitting here at my desk, just wondering where the year went. It’s a foggy gray day showing through the window, making it a cozy time to write on the blog with a cup of warming herbal tea on the desk…
We are in an incredibly busy time with many energies swirling around us in the ever-changing landscape of our world. This can cause us to feel anxious and unbalanced. I have found the 6 Paramitas (aka the 6 Perfections) extremely…
The last few weeks of August I heard the lament many times “Wow this summer went fast”, “September is almost here & summer is over”, ”Labor Day is around the corner – vacation time is over”. I suppose I heard…
Greetings in the light, the month of August was ushered in by a powerful full moon in Aquarius on the 1st and will be escorted out by a blue full moon in Pisces August 31st. WisdomWord’s full moon channeling transmission…
Patience is not a quality that I have usually thought of as an antidote to anger. As I looked at patience in terms of a solution for anger I examined my relationship to patience, diving back in to early days…
Invocation for 2023 Balanced Awakening I call upon the Divine Mother I call upon the Divine Father To assist all beings awakening from the sleep of ignorance. I AM WHOLE THERE IS NO SEPARATION YOU ARE WHOLE THERE IS NO…