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Melissa Halsey has been my Spiritual Guide for the better part of 15 years now and I rely on her insights for any major decisions that are presented to me. When I was wondering whether or not I would have a child – Melissa was right there with me every step of the way. At times, when I look at my son, Theo, I think back to the call where she indicated that I would indeed be a mother sooner rather than later. She was right! Melissa saw me living in California when I had zero interest in moving from my home in Denver. Months later my company was suddenly closed and I was offered a job in San Francisco. I was so thankful that I had that idea already percolating when the offer came. These are but a few of the incredible ways that Melissa has helped me through the most beautiful parts of my life – and also the most difficult. I will be eternally thankful for her spot-on guidance and healing abilities.

Judy W, CA

I can see the transformational process from working with Melissa Halsey when I reflect on the person I am today versus the person I was when I met Melissa 20 years ago. I was in search of so many things and while the process of sorting through my fears and emotions was honestly beyond frustrating at times, it was immensely rewarding. I will always be a work in process, but I have realized a happiness and stability in who I am that I did not think was possible. I have learned to have a daily practice that grounds me, learned discernment on so many levels, how to quiet the noise in my mind and to manifest true heart’s desire rather than the pictures of what I thought I wanted. I know that I was blessed to find Melissa while on my path and I highly recommend her to anyone searching for meaning.

Charlene C, NY

I’ve known and worked with Melissa for the past 15 years and she has played a significant role providing me guidance during critical and ordinary times in my life.  Her gifted unique voice has influenced and grounded me during times of major transition, loss and success.  She is in my inner circle as I strive to stretch myself personally and professionally.

Allison C, CA

I have had individual sessions with Melissa for several years now. Melissa has been a significant support for me on my life’s path, helping me to understand as well as knowing how to best navigate intense challenges. There have been many times I have faced difficult decisions and/or found myself at a crossroads in my life unclear of how to proceed. I am so grateful for the clarity and insight that Melissa offers. She has a great gift and I find that my work with her is always life changing.

Diana W, CA

Melissa is a stabilizing source of guidance and loving balance in my life.  I am eternally grateful for all of her wise support and reassured that she will always be there.  Thank you for all you do, Melissa!

Peggy B, FL

A talented guide in many ways, Melissa is especially adept at recognizing and naming patterns in relationships.  She reads dynamics between people incredibly astutely and has helped me gain clarity about coworkers, family, friends, and others.  A session with Melissa has always been a confusion buster!

Lori N, CA

I swear by all her sprays and custom blends and likely have at least 6-7 on my shelf.  I use them daily as I leave and regularly mix them.  They are fundamental to many parts of my day- during a meditation, yoga class or as my fragrance as I head into a busy day or important business meeting.  They are my signature fragrance that is always a little different.  I feel protected, strengthened and renewed by this subtle yet profound daily ritual.  They are a critical “packed” item any time I travel and my friends and fellow yogis love when I share them!

Allison C, CA

I often replay Melissa’s readings weeks and months later – it helps clarify what’s going on for me and is a great reminder of what I need to be mindful of.

Laura B, NY


Melissa’s full moon channelings always provide greater insight on the universal and environmental energies affecting whatever I’m feeling or experiencing, and what to expect moving forward so that I can better leverage or ride through the transition. While I’m not always as mindful as I should be, there are still those “ah ha” moments!

Laura B, NY

“I was first introduced to Melissa and WisdomWord events when I lived in NYC in 2002. Typically, anything that Melissa leads is a call or an event that I want to participate in. Her guidance, teachings and advocacy have a significant influence on my daily efforts to navigate this game of life. I use all of her homemade sprays on a daily basis and often become my custom mystery scent. Her annual Invocation (based on meditations in early January) is a daily practice. I participate and commit to her 10 week Sunday morning series and benefit from the global group. Her monthly Full Moon channelings are always enlightening and I return to these downloads throughout the month and year. Her free Chakra Attunement morning calls have been a critical tool during these ‘home shelter’ days. Lastly, I typically do a one-on-one session with her on an annual basis. I have a mighty tool kit courtesy of Melissa that keeps me in a balanced conscious state!”

Alli, CA

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RE-MIND yourself that you are so much more than your MIND.