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August Thoughts: Six Paramitas

Greetings in the light, the month of August was ushered in by a powerful full moon in Aquarius on the 1st and will be escorted out by a blue full moon in Pisces August 31st. WisdomWord’s full moon channeling transmission…

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Reflections on Patience

Patience is not a quality that I have usually thought of as an antidote to anger.  As I looked at patience in terms of a solution for anger I examined my relationship to patience, diving back in to early days…

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Invocation for 2023

Invocation for 2023 Balanced Awakening I call upon the Divine Mother I call upon the Divine Father To assist all beings awakening from the sleep of ignorance. I AM WHOLE THERE IS NO SEPARATION YOU ARE WHOLE THERE IS NO…

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Invocation for 2022

Invocation for 2022 Divine Guidance I call upon the Arch Angel Raziel to activate the divine light of guidance within me. I am one with the divine light. I call upon the rainbow light of Arch angel Raziel to raise…

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Full Moon Transmission From Archangel Raziel

Greetings all, while meditating one morning in October, I heard the name Raziel Raziel Raziel over and over, the frequency and vibration was different that I had ever experienced. I opened my heart and channel to Quan Yin and her…

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Compassion in Action 2021 invocation

INVOCATION 2021 - COMPASSION IN ACTION I breathe deeply opening my heart to compassion for Myself and others, I Am Compassionate. It is my intention to live my life compassionately, I am loving compassion. My frequency is loving compassion. I…

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November WisdomWord Happenings

Greetings friends! Welcome November, a brand new month following our beginning and ending full moon month of October. November brings on its gifts and challenges in our ever changing world. As I take a moment to look at the emotions…

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August Full Moon Astrology

By Sonja Elison The August Full Moon falls at 11 Aquarius, energizing the polarity of love.  Aquarius, though rebellious, non-conformist, quirky and freedom loving, is about the love of humanity.  They are the seers and inventors among us.  These are…

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June Full Moon Eclipse Astrology

  Full Moon Eclipse June 5 2020 By Sonja Elison This Full Moon, which represents a culmination of the energy of the New Moon of May 22, 2020, is a Sagittarius Moon.  The energy of this Moon is extremely lively,…

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