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June Full Moon Eclipse Astrology
Full Moon Eclipse
June 5 2020
Sonja Elison
This Full Moon, which represents a culmination of the energy of the New Moon of May 22, 2020, is a Sagittarius Moon. The energy of this Moon is extremely lively, communicative, and interested in movement outside of itself. In contrast to the last Full Moon in Scorpio, when we became introverted and introspective, during this period, the energy flows outward. You’ve probably heard people talking about taking trips, about flying again, about “needing to live their lives” despite the Pandemic. Sagittarius is the optimistic sign of the Zodiac, and this is the energy which chooses to live life fully.
By virtue of the Sagittarius Full Moon, the Sun is in Gemini, in close proximity to Venus. Sun/Venus energy is loving and relationship oriented, and in Gemini, there is an energy of wanting to connect with everyone, both near and far. Many of us have been separated from family for quite a while, and this June’s energy is definitely drawing us out of our cocoons, in order to reconnect with family and friends. Both the intellect and the body is stimulated by this energy to become active. If you feel like you just cannot sit still, can’t remain inside any longer, can’t deprive yourself of seeing friends any longer, this is the energy that is very powerfully flooding into our lives now. You will feel it in your legs, in your arms and in your Mind. Restless, active energy is returning.
On a deeper level, this is the polarity of the Mental Body. Themes of seeing, understanding and knowing are energized. For many of us, in order to understand, we need to see the details. In order to understand the bigger picture, we must meet with and talk to and hear many stories about many lives. There is learning on a granular, rational level here. Understanding the “forest” or the underlying meaning of it all, will come for some of us this month, through the release of karmic wounds, and breaking out of the bonds of convention. Experiences which release you from your karmic restrictions-those experiences we seem to encounter repeatedly-will come suddenly and unexpectedly for some. Particularly, if you are a cardinal sign or have your Moon in a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) you are likely to experience some sudden, releasing events. The feminine power of Lilith is strong at this Moon, and relationships are likely to see some expressions of that Goddess energy, which is unwilling to be subjugated.
The strongest aspect or energy in the chart, is an exact square to Mars and Neptune in Pisces. My understanding of this is that we are at a decision point. On the physical level, with a Mars/Neptune conjunction, there is potential for the Virus to break out again (my guess is toward the middle/end of June). With Mercury at the top of the chart, in Cancer, there is a strong desire to get back to our families, and connections which we’ve missed. However, it is also connected to Neptune, indicating that we need to think about what we’re doing.
Mars, the energy of will, the energy of wanting to assert our own desires, come what may, is extremely strong this month. We need to decide, on a social level, do we want to push our own desires against the public health officials warnings, or do we succumb to the Collective Good? For some of us, there may be a great deal of indecision, and the feeling that we just don’t know enough to make a good decision. Struggling with decisions, with feeling like there is a fog around our activities, is a signature energy of Mars/Neptune. By the way, if you haven’t already figured this out, this is NOT a good time to start projects!
On the spiritual level, this is a time of aligning our will to the progress of our spiritual evolution. Now is the time to prepare for the next step in our spiritual journeys. As several planets are retrograde, it is more useful to go inward and work on unfinished business. For readers who have been doing the Full Moon Channellings with Melissa, you know that Spirit has been promising revitalization of our physical bodies, and renewal of powers which we used to have. I see a great deal of power and transformation occurring between this Full Moon, and the Summer Solstice. Both of these events are Eclipses, indicating a much more powerful reset.
This past December, the Winter solstice certainly brought in energy which changed our lives. The next 3 Eclipses, June 5, June 21 and July 4, will again bring changes to the energy pattern we will live with for the next 6 month. I don’t believe we will go “back to normal”. Life will certainly be different. Now, we will need to think about how we will live differently, about how we will emerge from this Pandemic, as a stronger and more conscious human collective.