Melissa's monthly message is delivered via video this month! Listen for insights, specials, upcoming events…
November WisdomWord Happenings

Greetings friends! Welcome November, a brand new month following our beginning and ending full moon month of October. November brings on its gifts and challenges in our ever changing world. As I take a moment to look at the emotions churning around this election and the divisions on so many subjects in our world I am reminded of the slogan Quan Yin gave us many years ago: “It’s not the form; it’s how we meet it.” Maintaining a centered peaceful self is crucial–in other words, it is not who wins, it is how we respond to it. With equanimity, we are free from the habitual forces of expectation and apprehension that make us vulnerable to over-excitement or disappointment. Whatever storm or troubles rages around us, we can maintain equanimity if we are free from bias of attachment and aversion.
Guidance has suggested that our new ten-week empowerment series be on maintaining equanimity during times of change. We start the new series on Sunday, November 8th and go for 10 Sundays through January 10, 2021. During the series, we will take a deep dive inward and examine the places within that are out of balance, deeply hurt and fearful. We will focus on exercises, prayers and meditations that will help strengthen your inner calm and peace. The practices which help you develop peace of mind are the same practices that will help you maintain your equanimity, which ultimately serves your optimal health and wellbeing. The more of us that cultivate inner peace, the more we affect the collective. You can register here:
The sun is currently in Scorpio and remains so until November 21st. Associated with everything hidden and underground, the season of Scorpio is ideal for getting to the bottom of things. As a fixed sign, Scorpio is skilled at buckling down and maintaining focus. Collectively, we’re shining our light into the dark corners and digging up the old treasures that we may have forgotten about, making this the perfect time to commit to a program that helps clear out the old belief systems that no longer serve us or our planet.

Additional upcoming WisdomWord programs include:
Masters Circle November zoom call: Wednesday November 11th (Masters Circle Members only)
Free Wisdom Wednesday teleconference November 18th: Guest speaker Jess Mennella speaks on the olfactive power of the flowers, connecting to nature through your nose. Through channeling the Lady Quan Yin has said, “Think of how you have connected to the flowers, their fragrance, their vibration, their beauty… in connecting to this divine vibration, you are moving into a lighter vibratory nature.” Join Melissa and Jessica for an informative talk on getting to know the plant world through scent.
Full Moon transmission channeling November 29th: The November 2020 full moon teleconference takes place on Sunday, November 29th in the airy and logical sign of Gemini. This full moon is also a lunar eclipse—meaning that we’re likely in for some climactic endings, announcements, or revelations. The Gemini full moon makes us eager to talk through our emotions to reach conclusions. Eclipse energy influences us for six months or so. With a Sagittarius sun and a Gemini moon, expect changes and new ways of seeing things.