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August: Lion’s Gate and Archangel Michael Guidance

August came in before we even realized it! The powerful Lion’s Gate is in August (more on that below) and I received guidance from Archangel Michael that the time & space we are in is a perfect time to cut negative ties. On top of that, the August 4th new moon was a very powerful new moon.

Archangel Michael’s guidance suggested that this time period up until the full moon is a very powerful time to cut negative threads. So much ‘karmic residue’ is coming up to be released right now, making this a perfect time to work on cleaning up old connections, karmic contracts, negative patterns, etc. Since we live in a dual world and have dual natures, we form attachments both negative and positive. Often times when you think of your friends and loved ones, we overlook the negative attachments that have formed, causing stagnant energy to grow and hide, creating stuck energy such as resentment, irritation, etc.

Cutting negative ties doesn’t mean that we will lose the positive ties and in fact, weeding out the old undercurrent negatives can bring fresh new energy flowing in our relationships and families. You can try the following ritual or create your own.

Ritual: go to a sacred space (maybe your alter or where you meditate), clear the space with incense, sage, vibrational spray – place power objects around you or wear power objects, crystals, shawls, or whatever makes you feel empowered spiritually. Invite in Archangel Michael (you can use this chant he has given us):
Michael, Michael burning bright,
bring the sword of truth and light
cut the ties that bind me tight

Repeat 3 times.

Then invite in any being with which you have negative ties and call Michael to cut the ties and release you from negative patterns and interactions with the folks that appear. Sometimes you will know who you want to cut ties with immediately, other times folks from your past that you haven’t seen or thought of in years will show up (these may be denser energies that you no longer resonate with.) Remember often during chakra attunements and breath visualization sessions to “notice what you notice”, which is an important part of our practice – watch how you respond to the reading about this exercise, notice how you feel and what thoughts arise as you prepare to do the ritual …..this will help you understand your process better.

What is the Lion’s Gate?

Every year on and around the eighth day of the eighth month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gate Portal” or “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate Portal marks a time of consciously observing the amplified cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. This gate remains open until August 12th, however it peaks on August 8th at 8:08pm in your time zone. For more information on the meditation head here.

There is a powerful Aquarius full moon coming up, we will hold our Full Moon Channeling Circle on Sunday August 18th, more information and registration is here.

September is coming up fast, you can learn about our Hudson Valley in-person channeling circle on September 27th here and in-person Integrating New Frequencies workshop here. Stay tuned for an in-person New York City channeling circle, date and location coming soon!

Important Upcoming Dates:

Sunday August 18th: August Full Moon Live Channeling Circle

Friday September 27th: In-person Channeling Circle in Hudson Valley, NY

Saturday September 28th: In-person Integrating New Frequencies Workshop in Hudson Valley, NY

Monday, Wednesday & Saturday mornings: Free Live Chakra Attunements; this is a free teleconference, the call in number and code is:
(667) 770-1560

Code is 532085


~Melissa Halsey







Melissa Halsey

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Breathe deeply and remember that you are a child of the light.