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April 2019 Full Moon Astrology by Sonja Elison

We are just ending a 45 day period of a powerful Mercury retrograde through Pisces. Now, Mercury is entering Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the fiery, cardinal sign which starts all growth and movement. Communications are likely to feel like they are exploding, as plans, communications, and spring travel all pick up speed.

So, sit down and take a breath, because the April Full Moon chart is absolutely chock full of change, surprise, chaos.

The most significant feature is the Moon/Uranus opposition. Since a Full Moon means that the Sun and Moon are exactly opposed to each other, this means that the Sun is also in conjunction with Uranus, as Uranus opposes the Moon. Any of you who have consulted me during Uranus transits know that NOTHING stays the same after a Uranus transit! I think it is important to understand what Uranus energy feels like, because it will definitely help you to recognize it. It is the energy of electricity, lightning, telecommunications, enlightenment, intuition, genius, illumination, and represents the bridge from earthly reality to spiritual reality.

Uranus brings us into a new phase of our lives, so it pushes us to break out of old, worn out ruts which are hindering our development.

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