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October Is All About Balance

We are in an incredibly busy time with many energies swirling around us in the ever-changing landscape of our world. This can cause us to feel anxious and unbalanced. I have found the 6 Paramitas (aka the 6 Perfections) extremely helpful in maintaining equanimity.

There is a beautiful mantra that goes with the paramitas. The mantra is found at the end of the heart sutra and is called prajnaparamita. “Prajna” means wisdom, and “Paramita” means crossing over or going beyond. This is the mantra of the perfection of wisdom and perfectly supports the practices of the 6 Paramitas/6 Perfections.

The etymological meaning of mantra is “to protect the mind.” Thus, through attaining the perfection of wisdom, one’s mind will be protected against erroneous beliefs, against the mental afflictions that arise from such beliefs, and against the suffering produced by the mental afflictions. The mantra is:

“Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha.”

With each word in the mantra having significant meaning altogether, the Prajna Paramita loosely translates to “Going, going, going on beyond, always going on beyond, always becoming Buddha.”

The mantra is also one that protects against negativity, both the negativity of your own thoughts and the negativity that we notice in the outer world. I encourage you to find some time to sit in nature, enjoy being present, and if called say the mantra.

There is a group of 20 of us who have committed to repeating the mantra 10 complete rounds of your mala which is 1,080 chants, each day through October and November. If you feel called please join in as well to be part of the energy.

Thank you:

We received a letter from Homeless Action Sonoma thanking us for our June donation of $441, which included “[we] see that this donation is from funds that you collected during your Summer Solstice teleconference.  Thank you so much for thinking of us and our community while holding such a special event.  We very much appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

We also recently donated the funds collected from the fall equinox teleconference, $315. Thank you to everyone who participated in these calls! For more info on Homeless Action Sonoma click here.

Important Upcoming Dates:

October 29th Full Moon Channeling Transmission: This full moon is in Taurus on the Scorpio / Taurus axis. This is a partial lunar eclipse – reminder, eclipses supercharge the energy of the full moon! Details & registration here

Live Chakra Attunements: on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays – no registration required, simply call 667-770-1560 & enter code 532085

New Recording Available:

I am really enjoying teaching the empowerment teaching series on the 6 Paramitas or 6 Perfections. If you would like a taste of what the empowerment teaching series is and want to learn more about the 6 Paramitas, you can purchase the recording of our first class where I give an overview that goes into far more depth than I was able to in my August blog. Click here for more information & to purchase the recording for $15.


Melissa Halsey

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Be compassionate always, in all ways.

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