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December Musings

Sitting here at my desk, just wondering where the year went.  It’s a foggy gray day showing through the window, making it a cozy time to write on the blog with a cup of warming herbal tea on the desk beside me. 

November and Thanksgiving slipped by so fast that I missed posting on the blog! Things were busy and despite not feeling that well, much was accomplished by simply letting go and letting Spirit handle the reigns – I think we often forget to be and get caught up in the doing and in that doing overlook that we are trying to control things that are simply not ours to control.

We at Team WisdomWord, just finished up the final copy of our new book Prayers, Invocations, Affirmations & Exercises: A Collection! Keep an eye out for more news on Instagram and the website. It will be available on Amazon in paperback very soon – check here. It is a wonderful collection of prayers, invocations, affirmations, visualizations and exercises given to me by Spirit over the years. It was very inspiring to bring them together all in one easily accessible place.

The manifestation of this project owes much to many people, Rachel, Sara, Emilie, Lori, Bob and to all of you for gathering together in circles and connecting to the teachings, workshops and full moon circles over the years. I want to especially thank Rachel who without her constant good humor, hard work and prodding – yes she kept after me every time I was about to give up 🙂 – this project would have never gotten off the ground!

I am grateful for this quiet day and I hope everyone everywhere takes time to sit and be fully present focusing on the breath. I have already received the Invocation for 2024 – it speaks to being fully present in each moment. The following is an excerpt from the November 2023 Full Moon Channeling from St. Germaine:

The more you develop the ability to be fully present in the moment, the more the awakened state comes upon you. The awakened state also has a depth of different meaning in the higher frequency realms just as the alchemy or the transmutation energy has a different meaning in the higher realms and the higher vibratory layers or frequencies in your consciousness, and around your consciousness, in your planet and around your planet. Perhaps we repeat this over and over and you get tired of listening to the repetition of how important it is to be fully present in the moment. When you choose to be fully present in the moment, you are choosing a master’s path. You are choosing to awaken to abilities that you have only had glimpses of in your current understanding on the earth.”  

I hope you all take some quite time to sit, to breathe and reflect in the moment, we have much to be grateful for. Blessings to all for a happy, healthy holiday season, solstice and end of the year!

May you be happy, May I be happy, May all beings be happy.

~Melissa Halsey

Important Upcoming Dates:

December: New Prayers, Invocations, Affirmations & Exercises: A Collection book will be available in paperback from Amazon here, they make great gifts!

December 21st: Winter Solstice Live Channeling & Astrological Talk – register here, all proceeds go to Homeless Action Sonoma!

December 27th: December Full Moon Channeling and Live Transmission Call – register here.

Stay tuned for January – we have a new Empowerment Teaching Series, a 2024 Full Moon Package, and New Year/New Moon Channeling coming!

Melissa Halsey

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