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October: Fall Musings & Manifestation

Insights on manifestation, mindful awareness, recording of Monday Mantra, and more…

When on the ground red apples lie
In piles like jewels shining,
And redder still on old stone walls
Are leaves of woodbine twining;

When comrades seek sweet country haunts,

By twos and twos together,
And count like misers, hour by hour,
October’s bright blue weather.

by Helen Hunt Jackson

While autumn is my favorite season, this fall has been a surprise and definitely not sweater weather with temperatures in the high 90’s to over 100 degrees. This is certainly not fitting with my picture or memories of how fall should be.

When I was in elementary school every fall we had to memorize poems, October’s Bright Blue Weather is one I remember so well and I am reminded of every fall. I especially love this time of year, cool crisp days, blue skies, apple and pumpkin picking & the generous gifts Mother Earth gives us. Harvesting apples, making apple sauce & apple pies fills me with joy. Last week with the abundance of apples the kitchen smelled heavenly with sliced apples turning into pies and applesauce bubbling on the stove.

The current hot weather brings me back to the present moment and the realization that the changes that we have been hearing about from Spirit and experiencing in the material world are all around us: in government, in weather, in all the systems and structures that we have come to rely on and take for granted as our everyday reality.  It is time to release the past, let go of worrying about the future and become mindfully aware in the present moment – since the moment is where we create from.

We’ve been speaking a lot about manifestation based on the words from Spirit from the last several full moon channelings. Spirit has guided us to be aware of how powerful this time is for manifesting and how important it is to be mindful of our thoughts and actions.

Our new Empowerment Series starting Sunday (Oct 6th) will be a 10-week deep dive into the power of manifestation. The Buddha has said that we create the world with our minds (thoughts, belief systems). The frequencies or vibrations of our thoughts and beliefs attract to us the reality we experience. 

In our 10-week series we will utilize Spirit’s 2024 Invocation, Mindful Awareness, which teaches us that we must be aware of what we are thinking & believing in each present moment to re-create, re-shape and create a world of peace and harmony. This MUST start with us. To create a peaceful world we must find that peace within ourselves and become fully aware of what we are thinking and feeling in each moment – for the present is where we create the future. We hope you can join us each Sunday, and if that does not work with your schedule we will send you a replay recording to listen to at your leisure.

Please enjoy a recording of our Monday Mantra from September 30th, which includes insights on manifestation, on YouTube here. While you are there, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, we are posting many recordings, including weekly chakra attunements!

Important Upcoming Dates:

Sunday October 6th: Start of 10-Week Empowerment Teaching Series Manifesting Your Peaceful World

Thursday October 17th: October Super Moon Full Moon Live Channeling Circle

Saturday November 2nd: In-Person Channeling Workshop in Sonoma, CA: Unity & Compassion For All Beings

Monday, Wednesday & Saturday mornings at 8:30am Pacific / 11:30am Eastern: Free Live Chakra Attunements; this is a free teleconference, the call in number and code is:
(667) 770-1560

Code is 532085


~Melissa Halsey







Melissa Halsey

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The lady of the rose brings courage to you today.