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The Invocation for 2020 is Enlightened Community. To step into enlightened community we must endeavor to communicate from the heart.  To live and interact in a loving manner in a world  which is all to often painful we must learn to move towards those hurtful experiences with an open heart. If all of our activities are done with the intention of  communicating lovingly from the heart, we begin to debunk the accepted illusion of separation and move more fully into enlightened community.

Making more open space in the heart requires cleaning out, letting go. During the afternoon we will look at the clutter that we are carrying in our hearts, minds, bodies and even in our living spaces. With the help of Grace and Flo, we examine and release those root hurts or issues that cause us to contract and hold tightly to the clutter that no longer serves us.

This is an afternoon live power circle designed to open and strengthen  your ability to communicate from the Heart. During the circle with the help of the divine feminine guides, Grace and Flo we will communicate from the heart and carry the experience forward into our daily lives. The Work Shop starts at 12 noon and ends at 4:00 Pm.

*All students in the Masters program receive a 20% discount for this workshop. Please contact the office for your special code.

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Be compassionate always, in all ways.