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“I was first introduced to Melissa and WisdomWord events when I lived in NYC in 2002. Typically, anything that Melissa leads is a call or an event that I want to participate in. Her guidance, teachings and advocacy have a significant influence on my daily efforts to navigate this game of life. I use all of her homemade sprays on a daily basis and often become my custom mystery scent. Her annual Invocation (based on meditations in early January) is a daily practice. I participate and commit to her 10 week Sunday morning series and benefit from the global group. Her monthly Full Moon channelings are always enlightening and I return to these downloads throughout the month and year. Her free Chakra Attunement morning calls have been a critical tool during these ‘home shelter’ days. Lastly, I typically do a one-on-one session with her on an annual basis. I have a mighty tool kit courtesy of Melissa that keeps me in a balanced conscious state!”

Alli, CA

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The lady of the rose brings courage to you today.

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