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Sunday May 15th, 2022 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Teleconference

Our task for this lunation, is to honor each end of the spectrum and not swing too far on either end. How can you be present in your physical form and value stability while also surrendering to change when necessary? How can you peer into the depths of your soul and the Universes’ many mysteries while also leaving room for simple pleasures?


Masters Alumni WisdomCircles Meeting

WisdomCircles For Masters Circle/Wisdom Teachings Alumni 2022 A meeting place for master students of Melissa Halsey, coming together to continue to study, meditate, and build community together in 2022.  Full Moon channelings, monthly Zoom discussion and teachings, group meditations and more. Details & registration:

Melissa on Retreat

Melissa will be on a retreat from August 18th to 28th and will be unavailable for individual sessions. Her free chakra attunements will resume on Monday, September 5th.


Free Chakra Call at 8:30am Pacific

Join us for a chakra exercise and teachings to help maintaining equanimity during troubled times. The call starts at 8:30am Pacific / 11:30am Eastern on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, and lasts approximately 20 minutes. This is a free teleconference, the call in number and code is: (667) 770-1560 Code is 532085

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It is a time of purification–tears bring new growth. You are healing now.